

Welcome to online world of The Existential Nerd

I have been in content creation for over a decade, and am currently a growing Twitch Streamer playing a vast array of titles from the Atari 2600 to modern titles via PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC. The genres that I enjoy the most are cRPG's, MMO's, Survival, Shooters, Arcade, Action, and Adventure. However, one genre that is on the top of that list is the Action Roguelike/lite titles like Vampire Survivors, Pathfinder Gallowspire Survivor, and others similar to those.

I have two decades of experience in content creation and social media management for a previous endeavor called "Notes & Nerds", and now use it to manage my online presence in online live streaming. I have also been an extra in two indie zombie films (one is free on TubiTV, and the other on Amazon Prime).

So, thank you for stopping by, and enjoy your visit.